After 6 months of city life, Rainbow Beach has been a real treat . I have planned to work here for 2 months and then do volunteering on Fraser Island but my life never goes like I think it would, so now I’ve been here for over 3 months again and never loved it more.

I am relaxed & in peace with myself, most of the time 🙂 Winter here is a pure treat, sun is shining most of the time and every now and then I go on little adventures to  my beloved Sunshine Coast.

I will most likely stay here till the end of the year, do my volunteering and then head back down the coast to take a flight home. For now I try not to think about that day …

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First swim on my first morning back in Rainbow, nothing can describe that feeling.
Typical sunrise here

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Migration time for the humpbacks
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Dolphin feeding Tin Can Bay

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Teewah wildlife is absolutely insane

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Hello Mr & Mrs Crab

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me doing what I love for hours 

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Little Anahera Jade, a true drooling angel 🙂

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housesitting at it’s  best
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sometimes a new haircut is all you need.

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Hostel cat Mumma doing what she does best…

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Double Island Point


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finding new spots I’ve never been to
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working on the tan

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fluffy cuddles

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